MenuBox, by Cloanto
MenuBox is brought to you by Cloanto, a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner specializing in software components for electronic marketing, publishing, commerce and internationalization. Tools like Currency Server, Calculator Builder and Software Director are helping small and large organizations expand their audience and cultivate excellence in customer relationships. Cloanto's clients and partners can count on total commitment to superior standards of innovation, usability, quality and service, tapping into the experience gathered through a user base of millions and a core team which has been designing and publishing software for several decades.
We originally developed MenuBox because we could not find a simple and reliable tool with the features we required ourselves. After years of internal use, and after having been been deployed in millions of CDs, DVDs and online products published by Cloanto and its partners, MenuBox was first released as a stand-alone product in 2002. We keep maintaining and updating the software as the market evolves. MenuBox remains not only our favorite tool, but it is also preferred and distributed in all countries of the world by Fortune 50 companies, government agencies, education institutions, software developers, publishers, large and small organizations of all types, and active computer users alike.